We have three candidates for the March Bonehead Absurdity of the Month award:
1. The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) convention offers numerous opportunities to find bonehead absurdities, though with the heavy media presence, comments usually lack the off-the-cuff spontaneity that makes for a good bonehead absurdity. Nevertheless, one can always count on conservative favorite, Ann Coulter, to offer some worthy morsels.
Amnesty for immigrants was Coulter's venting topic this year. Here is a compilation of her venom:
Republicans who support [amnesty] are basically telling people, “Screw the country! We want our low-wage workers!” And: “ …… on top of that, something I think people haven’t really noticed — well, certainly they’ve noticed on MSNBC where they are celebrating the browning of America, but if you don’t celebrate it you’re a racist.” Coulter of course turned her wrath on Democrats: "You want the Democrats who want more immigrants, particularly illegal immigrants, because they need brand new voters, just warm bodies, more votes . . . . .Amnesty goes through, and the Democrats have 30 million new voters. I just don't think Republicans have an obligation to forgive law-breaking just because the Democrats need another 30 million voters." And, finally, the best: “Amnesty is forever and you got to vote for the Republicans one more time and just make it clear; but if you pass amnesty, that’s it, it’s over and then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America.”
2. Our next candidate, Austin Ruse, is not a celebrity, per se, but the Catholic Family and Humana Rights Institute he heads is popular among conservatives for, among other things, its rabid opposition to the U.N. When the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came up for ratification by the Senate, Ruse blasted out an email claiming that the UN would use it as an excuse to take kids away from their parents. This should tell you all you need to know about Ruse and his organization.
Serving as a guest host on American Family Radio, Ruse went even further to the bonehead absurdity extreme. As has been reported in the news, a freshman at Duke University recently revealed she's helping to pay her tuition by acting in porn films. Ruse's used the woman's degrading announcement to blast liberal academics:
"That is the nonsense that they teach in women’s studies at Duke University, this is where she learned this. The toxic stew of the modern university is gender studies, it’s “Sex Week,” they all have “Sex Week” and teaching people how to be sex-positive and overcome the patriarchy. My daughters go to a little private religious school and we pay an arm and a leg for it precisely to keep them away from all of this kind of nonsense. I do hope that they go to a Christian college or university and to keep them so far away from the hard left, human-hating people that run modern universities, who should all be taken out and shot."
3. Congressman Paul Ryan said on William Bennett's "Morning in America" talk radio show that there was a "tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work, and so there's a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with."
And the winner is . . . . .
As we stated last month, in selecting a monthly winner we give preference to bonehead absurdities from candidates who should know better. Since Coulter and Ruse say little that isn't absurd, we have selected Paul Ryan as our March winner. A bonehead remark, to be sure, for a Republican with presidential aspirations. Undoubtedly Democrats will pounce on the remark, even though for decades it's been OK for them to claim a "culture of poverty" devalues labor in impoverished communities. Nevertheless, it's fun watching Ryan squirm.
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