About This Blog
Chuck Snow and I are life-long friends who collectively traversed over 70 years of our academic careers in positivistic scholarly environments. To be sure, we obtained scientifically derived wisdom from our years of study and teaching, but we also gained practical wisdom that comes from years of experiences with students, colleagues, and our numerous encounters and engagements with the “real” world. Now retired, we are inspired to offer practical wisdom on contemporary political, economic, and various other social issues that strike our fancy. Phronesis is the manifestation of this inspiration. While we will strive to suggest practical actions to take to solve problems and confront national and global challenges, we will also offer our thoughts on people and events in the news. Everything is fair game. While presenting evidence- and reasoned-based commentaries, we will at times offer opinions that derive more from intuition and old-fashioned common sense - that is, from our practical wisdom drawn as much from our life experiences as our academic training. Chuck and I will comment on topics about which we learned much during our academic careers and also some that are new to us. We lay no claim to being know-it-alls. By relying on our knowledge, intellectual honesty, reasoning skills, and practical experience, we hope to offer thoughts that will inform, challenge, and provoke readers. We will not always agree on the substance of our individual posts, and at times may strongly disagree, which may lead to lively exchanges between the two of us. Reader comments on our postings are encouraged. We will be happy to publish guest commentaries when appropriate.