NOTE: Also, as you will notice the presence of some frequent IGGY candidates, perhaps it is time, as one Phronesis reader suggested, to retire some of these repeating absurdists to the Ignominious Absurdity Hall-of-Shame, thus joining original inductee Donald Trump. Expect a new induction ceremony in the near future. If you have any IGGY HOS recommendations, please let me know.
1. Tennessee Republican Lawmakers. Ever wondered how far the GQP will push the limits of anti-science? Look no further than the state of Tennessee. Straight from the files of “you can’t make this up,” some Republican lawmakers were so aghast at commercials encouraging children to get Covid vaccines (which is a great idea, by the way, of addressing the low vaccine rates we are still struggling with), that they are saying we should just cancel the Health Department.
Some Tennessee Republican lawmakers accused the Tennessee Department of Health of "guilt-tripping" kids to take the Covid-19 vaccine. Rep. Scott Cepicky, (R) Culleoka, motioned to "dissolve" the department altogether over the accusations.
Cepicky said the department's vaccine campaigns featuring children "peer pressure" them into taking the vaccine.
"When you have advertisements like this with a young girl with a patch on her arm all smiling, we know how impressionable our young people are and wanting to fit in in life," Cepicky said.
How terrible! It’s bad enough teens have to fend off aggressive advertising from tobacco, alcohol, vapes, and big pharma, now we are taunting them with lifesaving, pandemic-busting vaccines!
At the source of this conflict (allegedly) is the state’s “Mature Minor Doctrine” allowing health care providers to treat children age 14+ without parental consent. These advertisements may brainwash teens into getting health care against the wishes of their science-denying parents! The horror!
The worst part? This wasn’t just some off-the-cuff comment that will be ignored and forgotten. The issue is scheduled to be brought back up in July. Republicans have a strangle-hold on the state, and so far, only democrats and health officials have spoken up in opposition to the plan.
It may be time for us to move.