Since most of the news this month focused on the coronavirus and its various manifestations, I decided to restrict March IGGY nominations to absurd comments made about the pandemic. There have been many. Because of an overloaded Phronesis switchboard, I have necessarily had to pare down the number of candidates to the following few.
1. Fox News’ Don Luskin and Jesse Watters. Fox News is up in arms over the coronavirus. Not because people are getting infected and some dying. Not because of the dangers it poses to humanity. And, of course, not because of the tepid Trump administration response to the crisis. No, the Fox team is pissed at China for causing the pandemic by eating bat soup and then not apologizing to the world.
Enlightened by internet rumors, Fox News resident “economist” Luskin claimed the pandemic stemmed from the Chinese “selling bats in open market-places and then have business travel and tourist travel between that country and the civilized world.”
China hater, Fox News’ Jesse Watters, went after his favorite target Monday night: Chinese people. As host of The Five, a show on which the cumulative intelligence of the panel adds up to the number 5, Watters used the coronavirus as a jumping-off point to demand an apology from China for causing the COVID-19 disease.
Watters is probably best known for his “Watters World” segments, during which he walks around making fun of people, and more specifically for the wildly racist episode in which he made fun of Chinese people in Chinatown, in a man-on-the-street sort of performance. On Monday night’s show, after the panel brought up Trump’s handling of public health concerns stemming from COVID19, Watters showed off some of his trademark scientific brilliance:
“I’ll tell you why it started in China. Because they have these markets where they eat raw bats and snakes.” He then went on to observe: “They are a very hungry people,” he says. “Their communist government cannot feed the people, and they are desperate, this food is uncooked, it’s unsafe, and that’s why scientists believe that’s where it originated from.”
As with the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s and 1990s, the right wing sphere is full of fact-free stories that can be summed up as someone else doing something in some other country to cause the badness, and if we were all white and living right, none of this would be happening.